
被称为卫斯理研究员,学生们报名参加 arete - KWU荣誉计划 会使他们本已优秀的创造性思维更加敏锐吗, critical analysis and problem-solving skills while developing a greater intellectual curiosity and engaging in a free exchange of ideas with their professors and fellow students. They will improve their ability to think and work independently while communicating effectively in both the spoken and written word. 他们会欣赏世界丰富的全景,因为, 通过培养跳出思维定势的能力, 他们能从不同的角度看问题.


阿雷特在古希腊是卓越、道德和美德的化身. 它是推动自己成为一个人所能成为的一切的价值. 这也隐含在十大赌博平台排行榜“发展智力和品格”的口号中, 激发创造力, 发现, 培养整个人的身体, 心, 和精神”(引自大学部的使命宣言). arete - KWU荣誉计划 力求在我们的学生中充分发挥和发展这些特点.

为什么要申请荣誉课程? 个人参与,智力参与和社区意识!

荣誉课程是一个跨学科的项目,具有独特的课程, 研讨会, colloquia and the opportunity for independent research or performance that support the mission of the program and 十大赌博平台排行榜. Course size is generally smaller with more in-depth study and includes a variety of viewpoints from faculty and guests across the academic disciplines. 课程通常有重要的阅读作业,并鼓励学术严谨.


  • “对于任何想要挑战自我的人来说, the Honors Program is quickly becoming an effective outlet to prepare students for leadership in our world.”
  • “The Honors Program has provided me the 批判性思维 skills that I will be able to use the rest of my life.”
  • “The Honors Program has challenged me in many ways by helping me dive deeper into different topics that are outside my major. 这些课程极大地提高了我的许多技能,这些技能对我在其他所有课程中都有帮助, 比如研究, 批判性思维, 阅读分析, 还有更多.”
  • “I really like the small class sizes because it allows the learning to be individualized and I get to share my thoughts more. 我也喜欢别人鼓励我跳出思维定势.”
  • “如果你想挑战自己作为一个学生和个人, 那么荣誉课程就是为你准备的.”


入学 to the Honors Program is by invitation through nomination by faculty and approval by the Honors Program Committee. 感兴趣的学生应联系招生办公室或他们的指导老师. 通常, students who are invited to join the program have an ACT composite score (or equivalent) of at least 25 and a high school (or college) cumulative GPA of 3.5.


  • 与教师、管理人员和当地专业人士建立师徒关系
  • 在就业、研究生申请和奖学金方面提供额外帮助
  • 你的成绩单上有"荣誉项目"的称号
  • 有机会见到由十大赌博平台排行榜主办的演讲者、嘉宾和表演者
  • 有机会在校园问题上运用领导技能
  • 适当时,有机会与教师一起进行研究
  • 通识教育选修课学分(视内容而定)
  • 每学期优先注册
  • “卫斯理会会员”称号


每学期都有不同主题的课程, 轮换以强调不同领域的知识. Topics will include such themes as: Leadership; Critical Analysis; Global Awareness; and Impacting the Future. 参加荣誉课程, 学生必须是卫斯理会会员或获得课程导师的特别许可.


  1. 被荣誉课程录取.
  2. 在毕业时成为荣誉计划的一员.
  3. 完成全部18学分, 按照上述课程要求和课程描述中列出的顺序.



*HONR110 — Honors Seminar in Leadership (satisfies one Liberal Studies requirement in Personal Awareness*) — 3 credits.

*HONR150 — Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis (satisfies one Liberal Studies requirement in Human Expression*) — 3 credits. 先决条件:ENGL120或同等学历.

*HONR250 — Honors Seminar in Global Awareness (satisfied one Liberal Studies requirement in Community and World Exploration*) — 3 credits

*HONR270 — Honors Seminar in Impacting the Future (satisfies one Liberal Studies requirement in Natural World Stewardship*) — 3 credits.

HONR310 -荣誉问题(一个解决问题的课程,改变子主题)- 3学分.

HONR499 — Senior Honors Project (may be cross-listed with required 499 Senior Thesis/Project course in students major department) — 3 credits.

*Students in the Honors Program are encouraged to use the four “HONR” designated Liberal Studies courses to satisfy one course in each of the four Liberal Studies areas.


*HONR110领导力荣誉研讨会- 3学分. ——春天
在这个荣誉课程中, the student will develop a sense of who they are as an honors student and the responsibility that comes with that goal and calling. 研讨会的目的是探索领导机会,提高领导技能. We will explore theories of leadership as well as research about what an individual can do to be an effective leader. 具体的重点将放在1)如何成为一个有效的领导者, 2)社会影响的方法, 3)管理小组互动. 本课程满足通识教育中个人意识的一项要求. A student must be accepted into the KWU Honors Program or have permission of the professor to enroll in this course.

批判性分析荣誉研讨会- 3学分. - - - - - -秋天
The Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis is a course with variable subtopics that provide Honors students a platform where they will develop necessary skills with which to engage knowledge and distinguish themselves as a thinker. 这些知识将以几种形式表现出来——在阅读和写作中, 当然, 而且在学生之间持续的互动和知情的思想交流中. The course is structured as a forum or seminar with a discussion format specifically intended to facilitate this free and open exchange. 通过批判性思维和解决问题, student will evaluate a variety of important issues and ideas that have and continue to influence the human story, paying particular attention to how these ideas have developed and how their proponents and detractors have presented their arguments. 这样做的时候, 学生将使用第一手和第二手资料, 彼此也一样, 评估重要论点的质量, 无论是在内容上还是在传递方式上. 本课程满足通识课程“人类表达”的一项要求. A student must be accepted into the KWU Honors Program or have permission of the professor to enroll in this course. 额外先决条件:ENGL120或同等学历.

*荣誉250全球意识荣誉研讨会- 3学分. ——春天
“Honors Seminar in Global Awareness” is a course with variable subtopics that provides Honors students a platform where they will develop an appreciation for others and the importance of reaching beyond oneself. The course is structured as a forum or seminar with a discussion format specifically intended to facilitate the free and open exchange. 通过批判性思维和解决问题的能力, students will evaluate a variety of important issues and ideas that have and continue to influence the relationship of the individual to their communities, 本地和全球. 除了, students will have the opportunity to engage in a service learning or community service project and to reflect on this experience. 本课程满足“社区与世界探索”的通识教育要求. A student must be accepted into the KWU Honors Program or have permission of the professor to enroll in this course.

*影响未来的荣誉研讨会- 3学分. - - - - - -秋天
在这个荣誉课程中, 学生将练习识别和解决复杂的世界问题, 为学生主导的问题解决课程做准备. 主题各不相同, 取决于课程主持人的专业知识和兴趣, 但会强调人类和环境之间的相互作用, 关注具有全球影响的问题. This course satisfies one Liberal Studies requirement in Natural World Stewardship A student must be accepted into the KWU Honors program or have permission of the instructor to enroll in this course.

荣誉286专题荣誉研讨会- 3学时-随需应变
跨学科课程只对优等生开放. 小班授课. Will include in-depth study and expose students to a variety of viewpoints from faculty and guests across the academic disciplines, 集中于一个多学科性质的主题. Honors students are expected to read and interact to a wide spectrum of more challenging and thought provoking material than found in a typical course of a similar level. 节奏和工作比标准课程更加严格和加速. 因为每门课程都是不同的,所以可能会重复注册.

荣誉310荣誉问题- 3学分-秋季和/或春季根据需要
问题课程由教师辅导员指导,但主要是学生主导. 它本质上是一种应用,其目的是影响有关实际问题的公共政策. 本课程包括小组研究和学生发展. 因为每门课程都是不同的,所以可能会重复注册.

高级荣誉项目- 3学时-按需
学生在个人感兴趣的领域完成一个高级项目. 该项目通常会产生一篇实质性的论文,并向适当的受众进行公开演示. 自动与任何部门的499课程交叉列表, and may be cross-listed with a departmental 490 course with the approval of the Honors Program Committee.
