
社会学 is an exciting and illuminating field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, 我们的社区和世界. 社会学的主题是多样的, 从犯罪到宗教, 从家庭到国家, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common 文化 and from social stability to radical change in whole societies. Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is sociology’s purpose of understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.

在个人层面上, sociology investigates the social causes and consequences of such things as romantic love, 种族和性别认同, 家庭冲突, 越轨行为, 老龄化与宗教信仰. 在社会层面上, 社会学研究和解释犯罪和法律等问题, 贫穷与财富, 偏见和歧视, 学校和教育, 企业, 城市社区和社会运动. 在全球层面上, 社会学研究人口增长和移民等现象, 战争与和平以及经济发展. Sociologists emphasize the careful gathering and analysis of evidence about social life to develop and enrich our understanding of key social processes.

社会学 can also be added as a second major or minor to related fields, 比如刑事司法专业, Psychology and Psychological Services and the minor in Political Science.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 Dr. 安德鲁Bedrous社会学教授,或致电(785)833-4359.


Pursuing a degree or a second major or minor in 社会学 at KWU makes the field come alive. There are opportunities to conduct research and gain career experience off-campus. Resume-building internships are available at local community-based organizations. 在你感兴趣的领域进行研究. Behavioral Sciences students at KWU get papers published in professional journals, make presentations at academic conferences and help Salina companies and organizations make better decisions.


  • 标志


The mission of the Behavioral Science and 人类服务 Department is to foster intelligent and compassionate students capable of critical thinking.

The mission of the KWU 社会学 program is to nurture future citizens for their role as international, national and community leaders who are equipped to promote meaningful social change, to think critic所有y about social issues and to effectively use scientific data to seek solutions.


Students who complete the Bachelor of Arts in 社会学 will be able to:

展示对社会学理论的理解, 社会研究方法, 比较和历史文化分析, 有效利用研究和数据, 了解社会活动和社区参与.


SOCI 108文化人类学- 3学时(奇数年春季)

Cultural Anthropology is the study of man’s adaptation to his natural and social environments. 人种学和考古学的子领域将被强调, 重点放在世界的发展中地区.

社会学想象- 3个学分(单年度秋季) & 单年春)

This course will introduce the student to sociology’s basic ideas, research and insights. The topics studied include the major theoretical approaches used in sociology, 文化, 社会化, 分层, 社会制度和社会变革. 全球文化与美国文化的比较.

SOCI 200全球人口学- 3学时(偶数年春季)

This course offers a multidisciplinary view of the complex and contentious relationships between population, 政治, 环境变化与经济发展. This course is designed so students can use the 概念 gleaned to better understand the world and their place in it.

SOCI 240/SOWK 240 Inequity and Stratification —3 Credit Hours (Spring)

本课程探讨美国的经济多样性, paying particular attention to the three key dimensions of inequality: gender, 种族和阶级. The course studies the fundamental sources of inequality as well as the consequences that arise from life in different parts of the inequality structure. Students will be expected to take a critical look at how inequality issues affect their lives, their families and the community around them as well as examine their own and others’ responses to various types of inequality.

SOCI 250种族 & 少数族裔- 3学时(秋季)

这门课程研究美国的文化多样性. Emphasis will be placed on both the history and present circumstances of 所有 racial/ethnic groups, 包括白人. It is expected that each student will complete an exhaustive review of their own family history.

SOCI 286专题-低级-可变信贷(按需)

This course 所有ows for the study of current topics in sociology and criminal justice best suitable for sophomore level students. 教师将在主题的发展中寻求学生的意见.

SOCI 290独立研究-可变信贷(按需)

This course 所有ows for the study of current topics in sociology and criminal justice. 教师将在主题的发展中寻求学生的意见. 可能的主题包括特殊罪犯问题, 警方的行动, 城市社会学, 社会异常, 正式组织和社会问题. See Independent Study under Alternate Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description.

SOCI 331研究方法- 3学时(秋季)

The course surveys the major research designs and their implementation. 需要进行一些实地工作. 通常情况下,这门课程是为成绩较好的学生开设的. 计算机应用应预期.

SOCI 375环境社会学- 3学时(奇数年春季)

This course is designed to be an overview of the major sociological theories, 概念, 形成人与环境相互作用的原则和经验. The goal of this course is to provide an understanding of the ways in which human societies have an impact on the natural world, 自然世界如何影响人类社会和个人, 以及我们理解这种关系的方式. 为了实现这一目标, we will examine the historical trends and patterns of the consequence of human behavior on the environment and the social response to such information.

SOCI 386卫斯理之旅- 1-6学时(点播)

This course combines service learning with travel to provide students an opportunity to strengthen values and abilities, 除了学习具体的学术内容. The service projects will be linked to the academic content of the class, and the course may require a co-requisite or stand-alone as its own special topics course. Credit varies based on the length of the journey and may involve additional fees for travel. Prerequisite: INTD 110 is recommended but not required for this course.

社会学理论- 3学时(偶数年春季)

这是高年级学生的高级课程, 哪一个会尝试整合并使理论更加连贯, 古典和当代社会学的概念和方法.

SOCI 460实习- 1 - 10学时(按需)

The student is offered an intensive field experience in a community organization. 安排将根据学生的职业定位. Prerequisite: Departmental approval and satisfaction of entry criteria where applicable.

SOCI 485高级专题-可变信贷(按需)

This course 所有ows for the study of current topics in sociology and criminal justice. 教师将在主题的发展中寻求学生的意见. 可能的主题包括特殊罪犯问题, 警方的行动, 城市社会学, 正式的组织, 城市规划和人口统计学.

SOCI 490独立学习-可变学分(按需)

This course 所有ows for the study of current topics in sociology and criminal justice. 教师将在主题的发展中寻求学生的意见. 可能的主题包括特殊罪犯问题和警察行动. See Independent Study under Alternate Means to Academic Credit for a more detailed description.



学生必须完成 所有 下列的:

BSHS 210统计分析- 3

bshs210l SPSS实验室- 1

社会学的想象力- 3

SOCI 331研究方法- 3

社会404社会学理论- 3

SOCI 490独立学习- 3

或SOC 460

学生必须完成 至少三个 下列课程:

BSHS 231婚姻 & 家庭- 3人

或BSHS 232人类性行为

社会人类学108文化人类学- 3

SOCI 200全球人口统计- 3

不平等和分层- 3

SOCI 250种族 & 少数族裔- 3


犯罪学- 3

EMGT 303灾难社会学- 3

EMGT 306社会脆弱性灾害处理方法- 3

心理学201社会心理学- 3

PSYC 325变态心理学- 3

社会学/BSHS/CRIM选修课- 15





BSHS 231婚姻与家庭- 3

社会人类学108文化人类学- 3

SOCI 200全球人口统计- 3
不平等和分层- 3
SOCI 250种族和少数民族- 3
SOCI 286专题- 3
SOCI 290独立研究- 3
社会学331研究方法- 3
社会375环境社会学- 3
社会404社会学理论- 3
SOCI 460实习-可变
SOCI 485专题- 3
SOCI 490独立学习- 3

学生必须完成 9 hours of electives from any of the above or the following:

BSHS 100政治学导论- 3

BSHS 105上瘾的基础- 3

BSHS 110社会工作与人类服务导论- 3

BSHS 200公共政策- 3

BSHS 220性别- 3

犯罪学- 3

CRIM 235青少年犯罪- 3

犯罪分析- 3

EDUC 244发展心理学- 3

EDUC 346社会研究Elem教师- 3

EMGT 303灾难社会学- 3

EMGT 304在灾难中活跃的志愿组织- 3

EMGT 306社会脆弱性对灾难的态度- 3

心理学120积极心理学- 3

心理学201社会心理学- 3

PSYC 325变态心理学- 3
sok 140社会正义- 3
SOWK 225人类行为和社会环境- 3
社会福利政策实务- 3

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